1. Notice to Buyers

MEDFORD TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED ("Seller") hereby certifies that these goods were produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Sections 11,13,14, 22 and 41of the Factories Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the Indian Labours act 1946 thereof.

2. Offer and Acceptance

MEDFORD's electronic commerce websites constitute offers for the sale of products and the provision of services for your applicable MEDFORD product (the "Offer"). An order or request that is properly entered through the applicable website, or any other form of acceptance that we receive from you, shall result in a contract for the purchase of the requested products or services on the applicable terms and conditions. MEDFORD's "Terms and Conditions of Sale" govern your product orders. At MEDFORD Service Online, the "Service Terms and Conditions" govern your requests for service and our standard list rates shall apply, unless other contractual rates are applicable to you. Prices of certain items or components of your order may be unavailable due to technical reasons at the time of order submission. If you include these items in your cart at the time of checkout, our standard eCommerce prices will be assigned to the items automatically. Should other components of your order (shipping & handling, tax, etc.) be unavailable at the time of order submission, the applicable charges will be added upon order processing.

You shall be deemed to have accepted all of the applicable terms and conditions except those to which you have specifically objected. You are required to set forth each objection to the applicable terms and conditions in writing, signed and dated by you and delivered to us prior to or contemporaneous with your order or request. Our failure to object to provisions in any communication shall not be a waiver of any of the applicable terms and conditions, nor an acceptance by us of any such provisions. Any terms proposed by you which are different from or additional to the applicable terms and conditions on our websites are hereby rejected unless specifically accepted by us in a separate document signed by both you and us, regardless of whether such other terms would materially alter the terms hereof. No course of dealing, custom or usage which is contrary to the applicable terms and conditions shall apply.

MEDFORD reserves the right to correct any typographical or clerical errors in prices, specifications or acknowledgments.

3. Products or service subject to sale

The Products or Services subject to this sale shall be limited to those described in the Offer. They do not include, and Customer assumes responsibility for (A) any set-up, installation, and start-up (B) safety equipment used with the Products or Services or by Customer's employees or any third parties in handling or working with the products; and (C) signs, plaques, and training related to the proper use of the Products.

4. Financial Condition

At Seller's request, Customer will furnish sufficient information to enable Seller to assess Customer's creditworthiness. Seller may, in its discretion, require full or partial payment in advance.

5. Prices

Those charges may be prepaid by Seller and added to Customer's invoice.

6. Shipment, Delivery and Inspection

7. Payments, Title and Security interest

8. Delays

9. Cancellation

Cancellation or suspension of the order by Customer after acceptance by Seller may be made only on terms which will compensate Seller for loss due to the cancellation. Prior to shipment, Customer may cancel by giving written notice of cancellation to Seller. Customer may cancel after shipment only if Products are re-salable and Customer pays restocking, shipping and handling charges as reasonably determined by Seller.

10. Product Design

Seller reserves the right to make changes and improvements in the design and specifications of its Products without notice or obligation to Customer.

11. Warranty and Disclaimers

12. Patent, Trademark, Copyrights and Software

13. Disclosure Information

Any information, suggestions or ideas given by the Customer to Seller in connection with Seller's performance hereunder are not secret or submitted in confidence, except as may be otherwise provided in writing, signed by Seller.

14. Assignments

No right accruing to the Customer by virtue of the manufacturer/purchaser relationship between Seller and the Customer nor any duty of Seller resulting from that relationship shall be assignable without Seller's prior written consent.

15. Governing Law: Remedies